Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Miraculous Resurrection of a Lying Bitch

A while back I wrote about Chrissie here. Her melodramatic real life death rivaled a chat one but with more plump pomp and circumstance.

I never believed she died. Not. For. One. Second. But others did. Her online friends in her Barbie fuck-world were taken in hook, line, and sinker. They erected (pun intended) a memorial site for Chrissie calling for a cure for breast cancer in her name. They asked for - and got - donations to help fight this nasty disease. It was all done with pure intent. I can't fault them for that.

What I can fault them for is being gullible and damn stupid. Yep. S-T-U-P-I-D. Especially after I told them that not all slags die and go to heaven. Some sit on their fat asses laughing at their 'death well done' second rate one act play. I would say "well played c*nt, well played" but in truth it wasn't. It wasn't even cable-version good. 

So despite my busy world (yes I have one of those lives that chat people only hear and dream about), I recently decided to look Chrissie up. HALLELUIAH! It is a miracle. She is alive and kicking her fat rolls in New Zealand. A whole year after her death, she was at a conference with the very same company she has always worked for. Well golly gee Mayebell, she done come back to life and we can all thank Bubba. 

I contacted G (the ex-friend of Chrissie who originally contacted me because he could smell the shit stink that permeated her whenever she opened her pie hole). I was ever so happy to inform him that Chrissie had crawled her way out of the 6 foot deep death hole to live again.  He was somewhat shocked but extremely grateful that I messaged him. I also gave him the proof he needed to convince those that believed in Chrissie's pseudo demise of her remarkable rebirth; consequently, she never had or died of breast cancer. The irony of the idiots.

He later emailed me and disclosed how hurt Chrissie's friends had been to learn of her deceit. I should think they'd be even more hurt at how fucking naive and trusting they all were with someone they'd never met. Now that would totally be embarrassing.