Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Parent - It's a Noun and a Verb

Believe me when I say that there are some people out there who are unfit to be parents. They have some archaic belief that since males pushed a baby in and females pushed them out it qualifies them to be a parent.

Lately it seems that many 'parents' want to be one in name only. They don't want to have to help their children with homework, or make sure their kids get their teeth brushed, and heaven forbid they see to it that their offspring actually bathes and brushes his or her hair. I see it all the time, especially in the line of work I am in. It makes me want to use that "clue stick" (see previous rant) on them too.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me, I am mandated by law to report such offenses as neglect and or the more heinous crime of abuse. Believe me, I will not hesitate.

I have been told that children should respect their parents NO MATTER WHAT. Bullshit. Act like a parent - actually perform an action of parenting then maybe, and that's a big, fat maybe you'll begin to be respected as one.

That being said, I don't want to sound like a bitter harpy towards parents; I am one twice over. I just work in an industry where good, caring, loving parents can make a child and prepare him or her for the future, and the lack of those qualities can certainly break a child. It's heartbreaking and senseless. Life is hard enough as it is to go through it with idiots as parent, and therapy is damn expensive. Don't do that to your children.

If you're old enough to perform the act of conceiving a child then by damn you better act and become a responsible adult if and when you become a parent. Quit screwing up the kids of our future. They're worth it, and it pays in the end.


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