Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stupid Rant

I hate stupidity. Hate. It.

Sometimes my mouth is agape at stupidity that happens for no apparent reason. In my advancing age I expect people to mature and grow as they age, and oft times that just doesn't happen. I have no answer as to the reasons why this does not happen. Believe me, I wish I did.

I have seen supposedly seasoned adults who have experienced decades of life act infantile, and to be frank it embarrasses me. I want to buy one of those big swim noodles and adhere the words "Clue Stick" to it and just whack the stupid-offenders with it over and over. And over. And over. It may not help them lose their stupidity, but it will definitely make me feel better. At least until the next stupid episode.

I know there is this pseudo 'Peter Pan Syndrome' where people refuse and don't want to grow up. I labeled it pseudo, because it is not recognized by the World Health Organization as a psychological disorder. Good, it shouldn't be. It's a sorry excuse for irresponsibility, in my humble opinion. We're over diagnosing in today's society. Excuses do not cut it.

At the very least I wish people who don't act their age wouldn't multiply. Stupid people breeding and having children - now that is the real tragedy.

It really isn't a hard concept. Start small e.g. learn responsibility, keep commitments, keep promises. Anything. Just do it. Two words: clue stick. Two more words: grow up.

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